Standard Shipping: Delivery within 7 working days.
Delivery times are calculated from receipt of payment: immediate if made by credit card or Paypal, variable if made by bank transfer; Delivery times vary according to the type of items purchased.
Any delays in deliveries of less than 30 (thirty) days do not entitle the Customer to refuse delivery of the products, nor to claim compensation or compensation of any kind.
SSOSOE of Phatsirin Thaveephol has the right to carry out the delivery of the products (even relating to the same order) in several successive deliveries, with the understanding, in this case, of a single charge to the Customer by way of transport costs.
Particular delivery conditions and terms must be agreed in advance between the Customer and SSOSOE of Phatsiring Thaveephol ( and accepted by SSOSOE of Phatsiring Thaveephol ( in writing.
Payment for the goods by the customer will be made using the method chosen when placing the order. No additional fees or commissions are due to SSOSOE of Phatsiring Thaveephol (
For any need for assistance, you can contact the customer service of at the following email address info@i